Godot - Making a Button Text Outlined
This code example shows how to make a Button node's text outlined using GDScript.
To make a Button node's text outlined, you can use `add_theme_color_override()
` to specify the outline color and `add_theme_constant_override()
` to specify the outline size.
The following code example also uses `add_theme_font_size_override()
` to make the text larger than the default.
# Create a Button node
var button = Button.new()
button.text = "Button"
# Font size
button.add_theme_font_size_override("font_size", 30)
# Outline color
button.add_theme_color_override("font_outline_color", Color("#F00", 1))
# Outline size
button.add_theme_constant_override("outline_size", 10)