Material Box

Material Box

WEB Design & Material Images

JavaScript - Auto focus next form on max input length


A code example for automatically switching focus to the next form when reaching max character length during form input in JavaScript.

The HTML has multiple textboxes with class "text_form" to process.

<div class="item-container">
	<p>The focus moves automatically.</p>
	<input type="text" class="text_form" maxlength="4" value="">
	<input type="text" class="text_form" maxlength="4" value="">
	<input type="text" class="text_form" maxlength="4" value="">
	<input type="text" class="text_form" maxlength="4" value="">

The target textboxes are queried together with querySelectorAll().

The input event is implemented on each form with addEventListener(). It checks if current input length exceeds "maxlength" attribute value, focuses next form if so, otherwise blurs focus from last form.

// Get all textboxes
let text_forms = document.querySelectorAll('.text_form');

for (const [index, text_form] of text_forms.entries()) {

	text_form.addEventListener('input', () => {
		// Check if maxlength reached
		if(text_form.value.length >= text_form.maxLength) {
			// If next form exists
			if(text_forms[index + 1]) {
				// Focus next form
				text_forms[index + 1].focus();
				// Blur focus 
	}, false);


JavaScript - Auto focus next form on max input length

TitleJavaScript - Auto focus next form on max input length



