Godot - Sort group nodes by property value
GDScript to sort nodes in a group by property.
I created a function to sort nodes in a group by property using sort_custom()
In the code example, nodes are sorted by the 'life' property value assigned to nodes, in descending order.
func sort_group_by_life(group):
var nodes = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group(group)
nodes.sort_custom(func(a, b):
return a.life > b.life
return nodes
func _ready():
var enemies = sort_group_by_life("enemies")
The following changes it to receive the property type as an argument to support multiple properties.
func sort_group_by_hp(group, property):
var nodes = get_tree().get_nodes_in_group(group)
nodes.sort_custom(func(a, b):
return a.property > b.property
return nodes
func _ready():
var enemies = sort_group_by_nearest("enemies", "life")