JavaScript - Add CSS style tag inside head tag
A simple code example to add a CSS <style> tag inside the <head> tag using JavaScript.
The HTML has a <head> tag where CSS will be appended to change the style of the target element.
<div id="target">Element whose style will be changed<br>by appending CSS to the head tag</div>
JavaScript creates a <style> tag with createElement()
, and specifies the CSS code to insert with the textContent property.
Selects the <head> tag with document.querySelector('head'), and appends the created <style> tag inside it at the end with appendChild()
The code below appends a <style> tag from the script, and changes the style of the target HTML element.
// Create style element
let style = document.createElement('style');
// Set contents of style element
style.textContent = '#target { padding: 10px; background-color: blueviolet; border-radius: 10px;}';
// Append style element at end of head